SAP BPC has Workstatus Function that user can or can’t submit their data from client according to workstatus state value but some users complain below things.
a. If one of the child entity wants to adjust value after all entity’s workstatus set as ‘locked’, there is no way to allow submitting data from only that entity. Admin has to unlock all entity so Admin can’t make sure others do not submit data during workstatus is unlocked.
b. Even though there is TOPDOWN application parameter exists, it needs to unlock from top member to based member.
c. In addition, if user wants to change status, it can’t change it from ‘Locked(Approved)’ to ‘Unlocked’. It means if user has 4 states in their workstatus, they have to change 3 times using current UI.
Tbl<app>Lock table has all workstatus information so user can solve above issues using Data Manager custom package. This blog article will help to create it.
Note: Create custom package should be done by customers and partners. This document is just helping to create package and doesn’t guarantee its result. SAP strongly recommends testing custom package after it is created by users or partners.
Package will work based on the selected base members.
For example, if user selects Actual, Budget and 2010.JAN, 2010.FEB, SalesUSNeast, SalesWest it will change below combinations.
Actual, 2010.JAN, SalesUSNeast
Actual, 2010.JAN, SalesWest
Actual, 2010.FEB, SalesUSNeast
Actual, 2010.FEB, SalesWest
Budget, 2010.JAN, SalesUSNeast
Budget, 2010.JAN, SalesWest
Budget, 2010.FEB, SalesUSNeast
Budget, 2010.FEB, SalesWest
Here is detail design of SSIS package.
a. Package Screen shot
-. Package will create SQL statement in the script task
-. ExecuteSQL task will execute that SQL statement
-. ForeachLoopContainter will execute stored procedure as many as combination of selected members.
b. SQL statement for creating all combination of selected base members
For example, if user selects below members, query and result set will be same as below.
Category Dimension: ‘Actual’,’Budget’
Time Dimension: ‘2007.JAN’,’2007.FEB’
Entity Dimension: ‘SalesUSNeast’,’SalesSouth’
select a.*, b.* , c.* from ( select ‘actual’ as category union select ‘budget’ ) as a, (select ‘2007.JAN’ as [time]union select ‘2007.FEB’ ) as b, (select ‘salesusNeast’ as [entity]union select ‘salesSouth’ ) as c order by category,[time],entity
actual 2007.FEB salesSouth
actual 2007.FEB salesusNeast
actual 2007.JAN salesSouth
actual 2007.JAN salesusNeast
budget 2007.FEB salesSouth
budget 2007.FEB salesusNeast
budget 2007.JAN salesSouth
budget 2007.JAN salesusNeast
c. Stored procedures that needs to be executed in the loop container
<For ChangeBasememberWorkStatus>
EXEC up_SetWorkStatusFinance @StatusCode=2,@UpdateBy=N'<Execution user>,@Category=N’ACTUAL’,@Entity=N’Worldwide1′,@Time=N’2006.TOTAL’
<For ChangeWorkstatuswithChildren >
EXEC up_SetWorkStatusIncludeChildrenFinance @StatusCode=2,@UpdateBy=N'<Execution User’,@Category=N’ACTUAL’,@Entity=N’Worldwide1′,@Time=N’2006.TOTAL’
d. Data Manager Script for receiving selected dimension members
You can define Global variable and use this value for creating SQL statement in the First script task
Note: Global variable is case sensitive so please define it as UPPERCASE.
One of my customers created this package with SAP Partner based on this article and used it in the production environment now. Of course, this is not for usual case but might be useful for controlling complex workstaus without affecting workstatus of other entity.
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