Task Manager helps in managing different activities to be performed by the users in Business Planning and Consolidation (BPC) system. Task Profile Creation being One time activity it involves lot of responsibility in creating it. Right set of system authorization needs to be given to right set of people else it might lead to lot of issues. Usually System administrator creates task profiles and assigns it to end users.
The Security in BPC system needs to be maintained for any user to perform the desired activities in the BPC system. The Security of the BPC system is handled through different profiles on different criteria.
As represented in the diagram above, Member Access Profiles help in providing the authorization to the users based on the Secured Dimensions in the BPC applications. The major mapping for providing access to BPC system is as below,
1. Team <–> Member Access Profile (Many to Many), Team <–> Task Profile (Many to One)
A Team can have any number of Member Access Profiles and Only one Task Profile
2. User <–> Team (Many to Many), User <–> Member Access Profile (Many to Many), User <–> Task Profile (Many to Many)
A User can be assigned to any number of Teams, Member Access Profile and Task Profiles.
Once a user is assigned to any Team he has access that is defined in Member Access and Task Profiles assigned to the Team. Assigning users to Team helps in reducing the effort of maintaining users individually.
1. It is good practice to assign single task profile to any user.
2. Both Member Access Profile and Task Profile needs to be assigned accordingly for correct set of activities.
(No use of access to write data through Task Profile without having write access to any master data through Member Access Profile)
There are different set of tasks available for BPC system. Every task is unique and provides different access specific to them.
Not all tasks can individually provide the required access specific to them. They require certain other tasks to be added for providing their access to assigned users. The table below gives information on the additional set of tasks required for those individual tasks to provide the required access.
Dependent Task Name
Supporting Task
Accessing System
Manage Template
It provides read access to Reports and Input Schedules saved in the system.
Excel Client
Submit Data
It provides access to save any data to the system through any input schedule.
Excel Client
Manage Distributor
Provides access to,
- Create new distribution list
- Validate and Save distribution list
- Edit existing distribution list
Needs to be a Primary Admin.
Excel Client
Publish Offline
Collects offline changes in Input Sheets and sends to data base
eAnalyze,WebAdmin, SubmitData
Excel Client
Create Journal
Provides access to create and save new journal entries into the system.
Review Journal and eAnalyze
Excel Client
Post Journal
Provides access to post data to the system through available journal entries.
Review Journal and eAnalyze
Excel Client
Review Journal
Provides access to review available journal entries
Excel Client
Unpost Journal
Provides access to unpost the data entered through journal entries
Review Journal and eAnalyze
Excel Client
Set Work Status
Access Content Lib: user can set work status through BPC for Web.
Submit Data :User can set work status through BPC for Excel
Access Content Lib or Submit Data
Excel Client, Web Interface
Create Web Page
Provides access to,
- Add a new web Page
- Post a document
- Preview available documents
- Filter or Sort the document list
Access Content Lib
Web Interface
Manage Content Lib
Provides access to,
- Post a document
- Edit Page information of available documents
- Preview available documents
- Filter or Sort the document list
- Delete required documents available
Access Content Lib
Web Interface
Manage Live Report
Access to Build a Report and Delete available Live reports
Live Report
Web Interface
Allows user to Update the templates in Company folder.
Manage Template
Excel Client
Tasks available in BPC 7.0 NW other than what mentioned in the above table are Independent Tasks and can provide their specific access without requiring any additional supporting tasks.
Thus various Dependent tasks and its Supporting Tasks help us configuring the Exact Task Profile required for various End Users.